natural law 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesEthicsASOCR Created by: georgiaalligan11Created on: 26-04-18 19:36 eternal law law of gods knowledge of right and wrong 1 of 8 divine law law revealed by god through bible 2 of 8 natural law humans moral thinking, do not need scrpture 3 of 8 human law societys laws, should be based on natural law 4 of 8 synderesis rule inner principle directing a person towards good and away from evil 5 of 8 primary precepts preservation of life, order in society, worship god, education and reproduction 6 of 8 secondary precepts not specific, rules that can be deducted from primary precepts 7 of 8 strength seen as absoloitist theory- clarity and firm moral principles, but secondary precepts provide flexibility 8 of 8
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