Natural Hazards 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyNatural hazardsGCSEAQA Created by: callumk1996Created on: 15-02-19 10:27 Atmospheric Hazards Natural hazards associated with Earth's atmopshere, such as hurricanes, wind, snow, drough 1 of 6 Earthquake a sudden or violent movement within the Earth's crust followed by a series of shocks 2 of 6 geological hazards natural hazards associated with Earth's geological processes, such as volcanoes 3 of 6 hazard risk the probability or chance that a natural hazard may take place 4 of 6 natural disaster when a natural event, or hazard, impacts on human activities 5 of 6 natural hazard a natural event that poses a threat to human and/or property 6 of 6
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