Natural and Revealed knowledge of God

  • Created by: 11rsims
  • Created on: 02-06-17 20:58
What is natural theology?
attempt to dicover truths about the existence of god through reason and observation
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What did St paul and Aquinas believe?
St Paul=wrote of how we make God angry by ignoring signs of his existence, the desire to know god is within us all and god wants us to reach out to him, aquinas=concludes that without an uncaused cause the world wouldnt exist
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Are we born with the sense of God?
we are born with a sense of god, throughout history humans have had a belief in an unlimited being, we are made in the image of god and we can appreciate beauty and goodness
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What did Calvin, Newman and the Catholic church believe?
calvin=innate instinct of god is universal, god manifests himself in creation in ways our finate minds can understand, Church="the desire for god is written on our human hearts" newman= the "inner voice" of conscience is prove of Gods existence
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What did William Paley and Swinburne believe?
Paley= everything is so perfectly designed so there must be a designer, Swinburne= it is extremely improbable that this world can come about by chance
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What did the bible say about Natural theology?
"when i look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you have established:what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care fir them?yet you made us little lower than angels" (Psalms)
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What is revealed theology?
God chooses to reveal himself to humans directly, knowledge that couldnt be worked out by human reason alone, faith not intellect, uncovers truths such as the holy trinity
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What is mediate and immediate revelation?
Mediate=people learn about god less directly, bible is considered mediate revelation by most christians, Immediate=God makes himself directly known to people (adam and eve, abraham and moses)
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What is faith?
belief when there is little evidence, bridge the gap to where sense experience cannot reach, faith is about things we arnt certain of so cannot be paired with science
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What does aquinas believe about faith? what is grace?
Faith is not just an opinion as opinions can change, but faith is a comitment. Grace=we gain knowledge of god through faith because of his grace, faith is a gift sustained through the holy spirit
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what does god as a holy spirit give? how can god reveal himself?
holy spirit gives=prophets the right words, wisdom,faith,confidence, guidance,ability to live a christian live,strength,salvation.... God can reveal himself through Jesus,the church or bible
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What did Karl Barth believe?
Faith is idolatry where people worship false ideas, humans are incapable of working out the rights and wrongs by themselves and needs gods commandments, god is revealed in christ, any attempt to understand christ is corrupt and wrong
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What did Brunner believe?
at a formal level human image of god remains uncorrupted, nature provides a point of contact with god, experience of guilt makes humans aware of gods laws, true knowledge of god is available only to the person who has faith
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What did Dawkins believe?
faith is harmful encouraging people to be lazy in thinking, belief in god is like belief in the tooth fairy-they cannot be disproved but there is no evidence to support them so therefore no good reason to commit to them
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Card 2


What did St paul and Aquinas believe?


St Paul=wrote of how we make God angry by ignoring signs of his existence, the desire to know god is within us all and god wants us to reach out to him, aquinas=concludes that without an uncaused cause the world wouldnt exist

Card 3


Are we born with the sense of God?


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Card 4


What did Calvin, Newman and the Catholic church believe?


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Card 5


What did William Paley and Swinburne believe?


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