Music Listening - Paper C 0.0 / 5 ? MusicAll TopicsIGCSEEdexcel Created by: laylah14Created on: 17-04-14 12:16 What is the name given to the part played by the organ and the cello throughout 'And the Glory of the Lord' - HANDEL Continuo 1 of 23 Name two other instruments, apart from the organ and the cello, that feature in ;And the Glory of the Lord' - HANDEL Violin, Violas 2 of 23 Describe the melody line of 'for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it' in 'And the Glory of the Lord' - HANDEL Repeated notes, Syllabic 3 of 23 How does Handel ,make these words stand out clearly in the music? - HANDEL Loud, Repetition 4 of 23 From what type of large-scale work does the chorus, 'And the Glory of the Lord' come? - HANDEL Oratorio 5 of 23 Which woodwind instruments play the motif in 'Symphony No.40 in G minor'? - MOZART Clarinet, Flute, Bassoon 6 of 23 What word describes the tonality of 'Peripetie'? - Schoenberg Atonal 7 of 23 What is then name of a chord made up of 6 notes? - SCHOENBERG Hexachord 8 of 23 What word best describes this chord? - SCHOENBERG Dissonant 9 of 23 What is the overall mood of 'Something's Coming'? - BERNSTEIN Excited 10 of 23 What is the tempo of 'Why does my heart feel so bad'? - MOBY 98 bpm 11 of 23 When was the album 'Play' released? - MOBY 1999 12 of 23 What does the term 'comping' mean? - DAVIS Chordal fills, Improvising 13 of 23 What standard chord sequence has been adapted for use in 'All Blues'? - DAVIS 12 Bar Blues 14 of 23 How can describe the solo parts in 'All Blues'? - DAVIS Ornamentation, Improvisations, Rising & Falling scales 15 of 23 Name three instruments that play in 'the Skye Waulking Song'? - CAPERCAILLIE Uilleann Pipes, Fiddle, Balaphon 16 of 23 What is the time signature of 'the Skye Waulking Song'? - CAPERCAILLIE 12/8 17 of 23 Name a section of 'the Skye Waulking Song' - CAPERCAILLIE Instrumental 18 of 23 How is folk music normally learned? - CAPERCAILLIE By ear 19 of 23 What part of the world does the music come from? - CAPERCAILLIE Africa 20 of 23 Name two rhythmic devices commonly used in Africa? - CAPERCAILLIE Syncopation, Cross-rhythms 21 of 23 How many guitar parts is 'Electric Counterpoint' written for? - REICH 10 22 of 23 What is the style of 'Electric Counterpoint'? - REICH Minimalism 23 of 23
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