Music Anthology 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicInstrumentsASEdexcel Created by: ashleighchester97Created on: 12-03-15 10:32 Name the Instruments in Poulenc's piece. Horn. Trumpet. Trombone. 1 of 10 Apart from a Viola what other instruments make up Shostakovich's string quartet? Violin 1. Violin 2. Cello. 2 of 10 Who used a Cathedral Choir? Tavener. The Little Lamb. 3 of 10 Name five instruments from Van Morrison's Tupelo Honey. Voice. Flute. Saxophone. Bass/ ELectric/ Acoustic Guitar. Piano. Electric Organ. Vibraphone. 4 of 10 Name the types of voices in Monteverdi's Ohime, se tanto amante Canto. Quinto. Alto. Tenor. Bass. 5 of 10 What two insruments typical of a 1960's band are in The Kinks' Waterloo Sunset? Lead/ Acoustic/ Bass Guitar. Drum kit. Lead/ Backing Vocals. 6 of 10 In which piece are just Voice and Piano used? Faure. Apres un seve. 7 of 10 What are teh singers divided into in Familia Valera Miranda's Se quema la chumbamba? Pregon. Coro. 8 of 10 What is the only instrument in Mozart's Piano Sonata in Bb? Piano (duh) ;) 9 of 10 What instruments does the Ripieno in Bach's Brandenburg concerto No.4 consist of? Violin 1. Violin 2. Viola. Cello. Violone. Harpsichord. 10 of 10
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