Musco-skeletal system and analysis of movement 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationThe musculoskeletal system and analysis of movementA2/A-levelAQA Created by: ellabailey7Created on: 12-05-20 16:04 This is a long bone and attached to the platella Femur 1 of 10 This joint allows movement in only one direction Hinge joint 2 of 10 A cartwheel would be on the frontal plane and what axis ? Sagittal axis 3 of 10 Running uses the transverse axis and what plane Sagittal plane 4 of 10 When the angle between the bones of a joint is beyond 180° Hyper extension 5 of 10 I work as a pair but I am the muscle that is responsible for the movement that is occurring Agonist 6 of 10 I am the antagonist in a knee extension Hamstrings 7 of 10 The name of when a muscle is under tension but no visible movement Isometric contraction 8 of 10 As the bicep shortens in a arm curl it’s performing what contraction? Concentric 9 of 10 I am the agonist in a shoulder horizontal adduction Pectorals 10 of 10
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