Muscles 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Physical EducationMuscular systemGCSEAQA Created by: lina hayward hojaijCreated on: 03-05-13 15:42 What muscles are located in our chest pectorals 1 of 11 what muscle is located in the front of the upper arm bicep 2 of 11 what muscle is located in the back of the upper arm tricep 3 of 11 what muscle is located in your upper leg quadricep 4 of 11 what muscle is located in the back of the leg hamstring 5 of 11 what muscle is located in the shoulder deltoid 6 of 11 what muscles is located in the stomach abdominls 7 of 11 what muscle is located in the bum gluteals 8 of 11 what muscle is located in your calf gastrocmenius 9 of 11 what muscle is located in the lower back latissinus dorsi 10 of 11 what is the muscle that is shaped like a t in the back trapezius 11 of 11
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