Murder 0.0 / 5 ? LawCriminal lawA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Michael ConnollyCreated on: 11-11-14 14:05 coke Defined murder 1 of 16 Actus Reus of murder (8,7) Unlawfulkilling 2 of 16 Mens Rea of murder (6,12) Maliceaforethought 3 of 16 Case that explained mens rea of murder Maloney 4 of 16 Case that defined GBH Smith 5 of 16 Case that refined definition of GBH Saunders 6 of 16 Used to establish that D caused V's death Causation 7 of 16 Factual causation case White 8 of 16 Legal causation case Cheshire 9 of 16 Case that defined indirect intent Woollin 10 of 16 What V must be (5,5) humanbeing 11 of 16 What V must be under (6,5) Queenspeace 12 of 16 Factual causation test (3,3) butfor 13 of 16 What intention cant be to do kill 14 of 16 What intention can be to do GBH 15 of 16 State of mind that won't suffice for murder recklessness 16 of 16
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