Name three critiques of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences
1. Some of the intelligences are hard to define and may not be measurable 2. empirical research is limited 3. intelligences are highly intercorrelated with each other and with personality traits 4. ability tests designed to measure intelligences are highl
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Who developed the five components of emotional intelligence and when?
Goleman 1995
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what are the five components of emotional intelligence (Goleman 1995)
1. self-awareness, identify one's own emotions 2. self-regulation, controlling one's emotions 3. motivation, emotional states related to a drive for success 4. empathy, assess and influence other's emotions 5. social skills, ability to sustain good interp
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what is emotional intelligence linked to (3 things)?
psychiatric conditions (anxiety and bipolar disorder), academic/job performance, health
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what is the main criticism of emotional intelligence?
Discrepancies in definitions and measurements of EI; distinction between personality and intelligence is blurred
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who supported emotional intelligence as intelligence and not a personality trait and when?
Mayer and Salovey 1993
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What did Mayer and Salovey highlight regarding emotional intelligence's definition
That knowing what a person feels has been identified as a mental ability as it is an enhanced processing of emotion-related information. Since intelligence involves a series of mental abilities, it should be considered as a component of intelligence
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Define creativity
the ability to generate ideas with inventiveness, innovation and usefulness.
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What is the core concept of creativity?
Divergent Thinking
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Define divergent thinking
Ability to think outside the box, reconceptualize old problems in new ways and come up with multiple potential solutions
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What is involved in testing divergent thinking?
assessing the quantity and quality of ideas produced
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Name a test of creative thinking
the Torrance Test
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What is involved in the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking?
participants given shapes and are asked to use them or combine them in a picture or to complete a partial picture. Evaluators then judge whether the results are more or less creative than each other.
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Who developed the threshold hypothesis and when?
Guilford 1967
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what hypothesis did Guilford 1967 devise?
The threshold hypothesis
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What is the threshold hypothesis?
creativity and IQ are correlated only when IQ is below, but not above, a certain threshold.
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what is the nature of the findings regarding the threshold hypothesis?
mixed findings, the hypothesis is highly debated.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who developed the theory of multiple intelligences and when?
Howard Gardner 1983
Card 3
What does the theory of Multiple intelligences oppose?
Card 4
What are the three main components of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence?
Card 5
Give an example of one of Gardner's multiple intelligences
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