Membership to hitler youth was 2.3millon . By 1939 it was 7.2millon
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5th March 1933
The Reichstag Fire.This was the burning of the parliment building, this even lead hitler to winn 288 votes and it also made hindenburg beileve in acommunist takeover
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April 1933
Boycott of jewish shops & jews banned from government jobs
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May 1933
All trade unuions were outlawed and replaced by the DAF(German Labour Front)
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July 1933
Germany became a One State Party
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July 1933
An agreement concordat was signed with the Catholic Church
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October 1933
Jews banned from media jobs
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Novemeber 1933
To make the german workers happier outside the work place nazis created the KDF or Fraft Durch Freude(Power through Joy)
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January 1934
Hitler introduced the law for the Reconstruction Of The State
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30th june 1934
Night of Long Knives .This is the eventr in which nearly 200 key SA leaders including rohm where killed
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September 1935
Numberg Laws
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Jews banned from the Army
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Persucution of jew eased off duriNg the 1936 olympic games ,which were held in berlin
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july 1936
Most of the Caltholic Church terms where being flaunted
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Hitler Youth was created by Hitler to take up childen of all ages free time
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Pope Pius XI responded by condeming the Nazi regime
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Attendance at hitler Youth was so poor they had to enforce laws
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97% of teachers were members of the NSLB
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Between 1933&1939
Over 200,000 Germans were convicted and imprisioned with policticals crimes.In the same period over 160,000 Germans where placed in 'protective custody'
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The Reichstag Fire.This was the burning of the parliment building, this even lead hitler to winn 288 votes and it also made hindenburg beileve in acommunist takeover
5th March 1933
Card 3
Boycott of jewish shops & jews banned from government jobs
Card 4
All trade unuions were outlawed and replaced by the DAF(German Labour Front)
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