Mrs Kisby's Revision Crosswords 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Physical EducationmixGCSEOCR Created by: CharlottepaulCreated on: 01-04-16 20:44 Practice and repeat skills that encourage movements to become autamatic practiceandrehersal 1 of 35 Recive praise positivefeedback 2 of 35 Motivation which is the drive or willpower that people have to participate intrinsicmotivation 3 of 35 motivation people participate for which incloods money and trophys ect extrinsic 4 of 35 What is the C in TACO? confidenceincreases 5 of 35 what is the A in TACO? anxietydecreases 6 of 35 The muscle that creates the movement, the one that contracts agonist 7 of 35 inflamation of the tendon tendonitis 8 of 35 examples of hinge joints? kneeandelbow 9 of 35 what is the main movement of rotation? turning 10 of 35 what is the main movement of extension? straightening 11 of 35 increase stroke volume is a short and long term effect of this heart 12 of 35 the number of training sessions per week? frequency 13 of 35 durtation that the activity takes place time 14 of 35 bouncing and hopping, boxes, anaerobic, power, muscle contractions plyomrtrics 15 of 35 an example of personal protection for a football player shinpads 16 of 35 hygiene for hair? washandtieback 17 of 35 hygiene for nails? cleanandshort 18 of 35 goverment initiative for mums? toptipsfortopmums 19 of 35 What is the T in TACO? trainingincreases 20 of 35 learning takes place through observation and copying others copyingothers 21 of 35 feedback from yourself intrinsic 22 of 35 feedback from an external source extrinsic 23 of 35 knowledge of results is based on what? outcome 24 of 35 feedback on the performers skill or technique knowledgeofperformance 25 of 35 have a go at a skill and keep going and changing it until it becomes successful trialanderror 26 of 35 low/medium/high - depending on activity intensity 27 of 35 to fufil specific needs (fill in the gap) type 28 of 35 produced by lack of oxygen to........... (fill gap) workingmuscles 29 of 35 what is caused due to lack of oxygen? lacticacid 30 of 35 what can lactic acid cause begining with f? fatiuge 31 of 35 what stabilieses the joint? synegist 32 of 35 inwards phrase of a star jump? (joints) adduction 33 of 35 negative feedback is? criticism 34 of 35 change 4 life moto? (has commers in) eatwell,movemore,livelonger 35 of 35
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