Monopoly - Allocative efficiency/Productive efficiency

What is Allocative Efficiency?
A state in an economy where production represents consumer preferences. Marginal benefit to consumer = Marginal cost to producer.
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What is Consumer Surplus?
The difference between the value to buyers and the amount they would pay. Welfare gain.
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What is Producer Surplus?
The difference between the cost to consumers and the cost to produce the good. Welfare producers gain from the market.
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Allocative efficiency is achieved when?
Consumer Surplus = Producer Surplus
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What 3 curves are in the diagram?
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Which area shows a consumer surplus under a monopoly?
Area A.
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Which area shows shows producer surplus/monopolists revenue?
Area B
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Area A+B+C shows what?
Total Surplus, consumer surplus under competitive conditions.
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Area B shows?
Welfare transfer from consumers to producers.
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Area C shows?
Welfare loss due to higher prices and lower output under a monopoly.
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what is allocative inefficiency?
When Marginal Revenue > Marginal Cost.
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Where is a deadweight welfare loss present?
Under a monopoly. Not under perfect competition.
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What is X-innificiency?
Where monopolists don't face competition there are no pressures to minimise costs. Produce at LRAC2 not LRAC2 like perfectly competitive firms.
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What arguments are there for monopolies being efficient?
Benefit from economies of scale. May need to maintain low costs to keep competition away. Welfare gain from productive efficiency.
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What are the net welfare effects?
Allocative efficiency - welfare loss. Productive efficiency - argument for both welfare gain/loss.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Consumer Surplus?


The difference between the value to buyers and the amount they would pay. Welfare gain.

Card 3


What is Producer Surplus?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Allocative efficiency is achieved when?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What 3 curves are in the diagram?


Preview of the front of card 5
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