by making it a requirement for therapists to inform potential victims of any threats
1 of 14
Why is clinical judgment bad at risk assessment?
Short-term memory, humans process information serially rather than parallelly; the false-negatives information is likely to be remembered more than the true positives; there might be illusory correlations; counter-productive, sheer amount of informat
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2 activities that make up prediction of dangerousness
1) who will violent, 2) what situations/circumstances will they most likely be violent in
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The distinction between predictors & causes
Causes are more complexly interrelated; predictors may turn out to be causes (like offender's past)
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What is considered predicitng dangerousness
It's about the level of danger a victim might potentially be in
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What is risk assessment
It's about the likeliness for the offender to reoffend
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What is OPB?
Offence Parallelling Behaviour, is the more similar institutional behaviour patterns are to the offender's main offences, the more likely they are to reoffend
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What does Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 permit?
Further detainment of individuals seemed to be able to cause serious danger to the community if released
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What should Risk Assessment maximise and minimise?
Linear, limited number of decisions that make up a flow diagram; hypethetico-deductive, hypotheses based on knowledge of previous behaviour; risk assessment, multdimensional nature of violence
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3 tools of structured clinical methods
Psychopathy checklist, Violence Risk Appraisal Guide, Rapid Risk Assessment for Sexual Offender Recidivism
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Limitations of predictions?
Limited risk factors, studies are rarely replicated&examined in conjunction w/ each other, definitions of violence vary, research&design samples
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Why is it easier to predict common events than rare?
Because the behaviour in question has to occur in 50% of the popuulation
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why is clinical judgment bad at risk assessment?
Short-term memory, humans process information serially rather than parallelly; the false-negatives information is likely to be remembered more than the true positives; there might be illusory correlations; counter-productive, sheer amount of informat
Card 3
2 activities that make up prediction of dangerousness
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