viking came from Scandinavia, where soil is to bad to grow crops, vikings knew of British wealth, England had seven separate kingdoms and was divided easy target
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event - viking conquest
vikings raided villages and monasteries near the coast, first Viking attack was on Lindisfarne in Northumbria in 793, came to obtain gold, silver, cotton, Great Heathen army came to Britain in 865
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consequences/siginificance - viking conquest
almost all of Britain had been conquered by 874 their territory was known as the Danelaw,last anglo-saxon kingdom was Wessex
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causes - Collapse of the Angevin Empire
after death of Henry II empire became too large and was difficult to govern, King Richard the Lionheart was too occupied in his crusades
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events - Collapse of the Angevin Empire
King Philip the second conquered lands in the Angevin empire such as Anjou,Normandy and Maine king John was named 'Soft sword' in 1204-1214 King John raised and army to gain back the Angevin empire
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consequences/significance - Collapse of the Angevin Empire
in 1215 king John had to sign the Magna Carta, French tried to invade Britain in 1216 but were defeated, English only kept the area in Aquataine, confiscated by king of France in 1337 leads to Hundred years war
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cause - The Hundred Years' War
Edward believed that England had a better claim to the throne so he declared war, French threatning to take land in Gascony where expensive wine was made, French had been helping the Scottish fight England
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events - The Hundred Years' War
series of major battles throughout the reigns of five different kings, England won battle of Crecy (1346), Poitiers (1356), Agincourt (1415), English longbow was a devastating weapon helped win early battles
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consequence/ significance
England lost a lot less people in battle than France war was costly and taxes raised, stopped speaking french 'enemy language', England changed focus to land outside Europe like North America
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causes - The Colonisation of America
England lost their land in France in 1558, there were rumours that there was gold and silk in America, some christian groups, puritans and Quakers wanted escape persecution since the reformation in 1530s
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events - The Colonisation of America
Virginia and Massachusetts were first colonies found, later people were able to grow crops like tobacco and corn
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Consequences -The Colonisation of America
britain gained millions from trade, by 1732, britain had thirteen colonies on the East coast of America
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Card 2
event - viking conquest
vikings raided villages and monasteries near the coast, first Viking attack was on Lindisfarne in Northumbria in 793, came to obtain gold, silver, cotton, Great Heathen army came to Britain in 865
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