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- Created by: ntygs19
- Created on: 12-03-20 18:20
Microbiology is the study of what?
1 of 56
What is the measurement used for microorganisms?
Micrometer (um)
2 of 56
Name the 4 groups of Microbe/Pathogen
Bacteria; Virus; Fungi; Protozoa
3 of 56
What is the term for the following statement: The development of morbid conditions or disease.
4 of 56
What else can the term pathogensis describe? O_ of disease, D_ of disease, and whethers it's C_, A_ or R_.
Origin of Disease, Development of disease, and whether its Acute, Chronic or Recurrent.
5 of 56
Desrcibe the term 'Commensal'.
Living on or within another organism, and deriving benefit without harming or benefitting the host.
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Define the term VIRULENCE
A pathogen's ability to harm the host
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What is the term for an inanimate object that acts as a carriage for pathogen spread
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What is a vector?
Organism that transfers/transmits pathogens from one infected organism to another (e.g. Mosquitos)
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What are Opportunistic Infections?
Take advantage of an opportunity not normally available, e.g. host with a weakened immune system
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Name 4 common types of infection
HIV, MRSA, TB, Herpes, Gonnorrhoea, E.coli, Streptococcus Pyogenes
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Outline the terms Prokaryotic and Eukyrotic
Prokaryotic = no distinct nucleus. Eukyrotic = contains a nucleus
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See Next
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Where is bacterial genetic material housed?
Single strand of DNA/Chromosome and Plasmids
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Does bacteria have a cell wall?
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Describe the 4 criteria by which we classify bacteria
1. Appearance; 2. Nutritional Requirements 3. Staining 4. Lab based criteria
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Name 4 nutritional requirements of bacteria
Food, water, CO2, neutral or alkaline conditions
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What are the names of bacteria that a) require oxygen to grow. b)grow in the absence of oxygen
a) Obligate Aerobes b) Anaerobes
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What are the 3 categories of appearance that we us to classify bacteria?
1) morphology (shape), 2) size 3) colour
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Name the 3 basic shapes of bacteria
1. Coccus 2. Bacillus 3) Spriochete
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Describe the shapes of coccus, bacillus and spirochetes
spherical, rod shaped and sprial shaped
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Name the 4 types of Coccus
1) Single cocci; 2) Diplococcus; 3) Streplococcus; 4) Staphylococcus
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Which type of coccus is paired?
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Which type of coccus is in chains?
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What type of coccus is in bunches?
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Name the method of staining used to distinguish/classify bacterial species into 2 large groups?
Gram Staining
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What are the 2 large groups called?
Gram Positive and Gram Negative
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The C_ V_ I_ C_ is the main process in Gram Staining
Crystal Violet Iodine Complex
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Crystal violet stain is added to bacteria-ridden slide. What colour do all the cells turn?
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What happes to the cells when Iodine solution is added?
They stay purple
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When cellsare Decolourised with Acetone, What colour do Gram+ cells turn? What colour do Gram- turn?
Gram+ = purple, Gram- = colourless
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When the cells are counterstained with Safrinin, what colours do Gram+ and Gram- cells turn?
Gram+ = purple, Gram- = Pink
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Why do Gram+ cells stay purple?
Because the Crystal Violet and Iodine combine inside the wall and stick to the walls of the organism
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Why do Gram- cells turn pink?
Because the crytal violet + iodine slide away, as it has a double wall... top layer gets stained and falls away.
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What is the difference between Bacterial Cidle and Bacterial Static antibiotics?
Bacterial cidle - punches hole in bacterial cell wall, killing it. Bacterial static = prevents replication of microbe
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Describe the shape, organisation and colour of Gram+ Streplococcus
Spherical (coccus)l Chain (Strep); Gram+ (dark)
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What type of antibiotic is required for Gram+ Streplococcus
Bacterial Cidle
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Describe the shape, organisation and colour of Gram- Staphylococcus
Spherical (coccus), Bunches (staph), Ligh (Gram-)
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What type of antibiotic is required for Gram- Staphylococcus
Bacterial Static Antibiotics
39 of 56
What are the 4 target sites of bacterial static anitbiotics? 1. Prevents C_ W_ formation; 2) Disrupts P_ synthesis. 3) Disrupts _ synthesis. 4) Disrupts cell M_
1. Prevents cell wall formation; 2) Disrupts protein synthesis. 3) Disrupts DNA synthesis. 4) Disrupts cell metabolism
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Bacterial resistance can occur through 1)Trans_, 2) C_ and 3)Trans_
Bacterial resistance can occur through 1)Transformation 2) Conjugation and 3)Transfection
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See Next
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Possess either _ or _ but never both.
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Can only survive where?
Within living susceptible cells
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What happens when viruses are not in their host?
They die
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Viruses affect the host in 3 main ways?
Infecting and killing the host; lies dormant; cause malignant transformation of cells.
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See Next
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Are fungi Prokaryotic or Eukyrotic?
EUKYROTIC - Contain nucleus
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What are the 2 types of fungi?
Moulds and Yeasts
49 of 56
Of moulds and yeasts, which are obligate aerobes and which are anaerobic?
Moulds = obligate aerobes; Yeasts = Anaerobes
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Where do fungi grow?
Warm, moist places
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See Next
52 of 56
Protozoa are U_ microbes
53 of 56
Where do they mainly inhabit?
Soil and water
54 of 56
How do protozoa move through water?
Tiny hair like structures propel them through liquid
55 of 56
Poor S_ is linked to transmission of severe diseases
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the measurement used for microorganisms?
Micrometer (um)
Card 3
Name the 4 groups of Microbe/Pathogen
Card 4
What is the term for the following statement: The development of morbid conditions or disease.
Card 5
What else can the term pathogensis describe? O_ of disease, D_ of disease, and whethers it's C_, A_ or R_.
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