Stupor, negativism (no response to instructions), mutism, posturing (posture against gravity), agitation
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About 1% people will suffer from an episode of schizophrenia. 5-10% chance of dying from suicide
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Schizophrenia diagnosis?
2 or more symptoms present; delusions, hallucinations, disorganised speech, disorganised behaviour, negative symptoms, affects functioning and present for at least 6 months
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Symtpom has to include 1 of which 3?
Delusions, hallucinations, and disorganised speech
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Positive symtpoms of schizophrenia?
Additive symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations
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Negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
Withdrawn behaviours such as catatonia, apathy (loss of interest)
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Form of hallucinations?
Visual, auditory, tactile (feel) and olfactory (smell or taste)
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How can hallucinations affect behaviour?
May influence their decisions eg, only wearing white. Or may make them more distracted and have difficulty concentrating
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Types of delusions?
Religious, paranoid, grandiose
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Aetiology of schizophrenia?
Not caused by poor parenting, runs in families, and may be increased by drugs such as cannabis
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Genetic explanation?
No specific gene, but there has been shown to be a link in families. High concordance of MZ twins (2X more likely)
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Neurotransmitter explanation?
Difference in structure of brains. Links between levels of dopamine and serotonin in those with schizophrenia. Although some suggest it is actually due to receptor sensitivity for those neurotransmitters
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Stress and drug use/abuse
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Bateson 1950?
Double blind situations: person with schizophrenia puts in situation where messages contradict each other
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Treatments for schizophrenia?
Community mental health team (psychologist, psychiatrist, mental health nurse and social worker), care programme approach, inpatient treatments, antipsychotic medications, CBT, art therapies
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Strengths and issues with medication treatment?
Works for 65%, but 75% stop taking medication after 2 years, likely due to side effects
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Expressed emotion?
Critical and hostile emotions from relatives towards a person with schizophrenia, which can worsen the disorder and is a risk factor for relapse
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Psychosis is?
Person perceives or interprets things differently to those around them
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