His research was carried out between 1900 - 1920 (used as a secondary source). It provided statistics about the extent of poverty in York at that time (Carried out with surveys using quantitative data.) and provides insight into the past and accesses the
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Lobben and McCabe
Used secondary sources of books and measured their content on gender stereotypes (using content analysis)
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Humphreys - The Tea Room Trade
He observed gay sexual encounters in public restrooms to explain how social structures work and the rules and meanings. Lasted 2 years and included ethnographic research and both informal/formal interviews. He made research notes into tape recordings, det
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Secret Policeman
Undercover journalists trained to be a police officer in Manchester to investigate institutional racism. He spent 7 months immersing himself in the force. He found that manchester had force only had 3% ethnic minority officers despite 6% being in the popu
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Kelly, Pearce, Muthall - The experience of young people with cancer
Looked at young people in London hospital with cancer. Used a combination of i depth interviews and non-participant observation. Observation took 8 days of 3h each.
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Told respondents he was conducting tests on the effect of punishment on learning.(He lied) He was actually carrying out research on obedience to authority. After asking each respondents to adopt the role of teacher Milgram introducing to another responden
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The making of moonies - Barker
Attempts to look at the truth behind the general health believe that the Unification Church (Moonies). Barker was approached by the Moonies this meant they were more corporative and gave her access to information. She used in-depth interviewing 30 British
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Learning to labour Learning to labour- Paul Willis
He carried out an ethnographic study of 12 working-class lads from Birmingham school 1972-1975. He spent 18 months upsetting them in school and then spoke to parents of the 12 lads seen your masters of the school and may join our teachers.He spent 18 mont
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Sharp and Atherton - To serve and protect
Aims to look at the experience of policing in communities of young people from black and other ethnic minority groups. Gathered evidence over many years which indicated that members of minority ethnic groups especially young people are not treated by the
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Lobben and McCabe
Used secondary sources of books and measured their content on gender stereotypes (using content analysis)
Card 3
Humphreys - The Tea Room Trade
Card 4
Secret Policeman
Card 5
Kelly, Pearce, Muthall - The experience of young people with cancer
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