Use both energy systems. Typically sports requiring 1-6 min effort. Middle/long distance athletes and games
1 of 6
Sprint Interval
Designed to stress the alactic and lactic system. Improving muscle stores of ATP & PC. Direct effect on sprinters or activity where bursts of speed are required.
2 of 6
Fast Interval
Sessions develop anaerobic endurance. Stress lactic acid system. Delays onset of fatigue and decreases effects of lactic acid. Training for 400m runners/sprint swimmers
3 of 6
Plyometric Training
Concentric Contraction=Muscle to cause movement it must shorten. Eccentric Contraction=Muscle is lengthened. prior to contraction it will produce greater force through the storage of elastic energy
4 of 6
Amortisation Phase
Time between concentric & eccentric contraction must be very short otherwise elastic strength is lost
5 of 6
'Stretch & Shortening' Cycle
1. Rapid eccentric movement 2. Short amortisation phase 3. Explosive concentric movement
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Designed to stress the alactic and lactic system. Improving muscle stores of ATP & PC. Direct effect on sprinters or activity where bursts of speed are required.
Sprint Interval
Card 3
Sessions develop anaerobic endurance. Stress lactic acid system. Delays onset of fatigue and decreases effects of lactic acid. Training for 400m runners/sprint swimmers
Card 4
Concentric Contraction=Muscle to cause movement it must shorten. Eccentric Contraction=Muscle is lengthened. prior to contraction it will produce greater force through the storage of elastic energy
Card 5
Time between concentric & eccentric contraction must be very short otherwise elastic strength is lost
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