Mental Disease 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyTherapiesUniversityAll boards Created by: francesca_321Created on: 07-10-16 13:28 What is the definition of psychotherapy? Psyche(soul, mind and spirit) and therapeia(healing, treatment) healing the mind 1 of 36 What does talking treatment provide? a regular time and space for you to talk about your troubles and explore difficut feelings with a trained professional 2 of 36 Who introduced counselling? Carl Rogers in 1940s 3 of 36 What are three factors of counselling? Short term, shallower level of experience and humanistic tradition 4 of 36 What are three factors of psychotherapy? Long term, deeper level of experience, psychoanalytical tradition 5 of 36 Are there similarities between both counselling and psychotherapy? yes 6 of 36 Do more women or men consult a consellor or psychotherapist? More women 7 of 36 What did Singleton et el do? They found that 1 in 4 British adults experienced at least one mental disorder in any one year 8 of 36 What did the World Health support find out? 450 million people world wide have mental disorder 9 of 36 What is the definition of a mental disorder by mind? Mental health problems can affect the way you think, feel and behave 10 of 36 What is another definition of a mental disorder? is a syndrome characterised by clinically significant distubance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation or behaviour 11 of 36 How are mental disorders identified? Reported symptoms of feelings and thoughts, observation of behaviours 12 of 36 What is the first of the four Ds? Deviance 13 of 36 What does this mean? Does the person think, feel or act differently? 14 of 36 What is the judgement affected by? Social/cultural norms, characteristics of individual, context 15 of 36 What is the 2nd D? Distress 16 of 36 What does this mean? Are thoughts, feelins, or behaviours causing distress of the person 17 of 36 What is the 3rd D and what does it mean? Dysfunction, do the thoughts, feelings an behaviours interfere wth daily functioning 18 of 36 What is the 4th D? Danger 19 of 36 what is the definition of Prevalence? Proportion of the population who have a specific disorder at/in a given time 20 of 36 What is point prevalence? At a specific time 21 of 36 What is period prevalence? at any point in a given time period 22 of 36 What is lifetime prevalence? at some point in life up to the time of assessment 23 of 36 What is an incidence? the number of new cases of a disorder arising over a given period 24 of 36 What are features of Anxiety of disorder? excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioural distubances 25 of 36 What is a constant fear and anxiety? emotional response to immenent threat, anticipation to future threat 26 of 36 What is an individual disorder? differ in terms of trigger 27 of 36 What is general anxiety disorder? Excessive or ongoing wrry about multiple events, difficulty controlling worry 28 of 36 What is social anxiety disorder? Persistent fear and anxiety about social situations, fear of negative rejection/ evaluation 29 of 36 What is a phobia? Persistent fear of object or situation 30 of 36 What are features of OCD? presence of obsessions, unwanted or intrusive thoughts, and compulsions, reptitive behaviours or mental acts 31 of 36 What is depression? Depressed mood, lack f interest, reduced energy, marked tiredness 32 of 36 What is the mood of a depressive? mood generally unrelated to circumstance 33 of 36 What is the age of onset of a depressant? 20 years 34 of 36 What is the average length of a depressive episode 6 months 35 of 36 What is bipolar disorder? cyclical mood disorder - experiencing feelings both of depression and mania 36 of 36
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