Memory and Caching

  • Created by: congriff
  • Created on: 23-01-24 11:43
- Stores programs that are currently being executed or data that will be needed for immediate use.

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- Contents cannot be changed or deleted

- non-volatile

- Used to store the bootstrap program as well as any system data that does not change.
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Memory Cache
- high-speed, smaller-capacity RAM variant

- close to the CPU

- intended to store commonly used data and instructions.
- Quicker than RAM
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Disk cache
- specifically designated part of RAM

- Contains data and instructions from
secondary storage likely to be needed either repeatedly or next

- speeds up retrieval of data and instructions
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Secondary storage
- any device that can store data, in addition to main memory.

-non-volatile and are typically high capacity and/or portable

- Factors that can affect the choice of a secondary storage device are speed, cost per storage unit and portability
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


- Contents cannot be changed or deleted

- non-volatile

- Used to store the bootstrap program as well as any system data that does not change.



Card 3


- high-speed, smaller-capacity RAM variant

- close to the CPU

- intended to store commonly used data and instructions.
- Quicker than RAM


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- specifically designated part of RAM

- Contains data and instructions from
secondary storage likely to be needed either repeatedly or next

- speeds up retrieval of data and instructions


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


- any device that can store data, in addition to main memory.

-non-volatile and are typically high capacity and/or portable

- Factors that can affect the choice of a secondary storage device are speed, cost per storage unit and portability


Preview of the back of card 5


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