Meeting consumer needs - 1.2

What is a market?
A place where buyers and sellers meet in order to exchange goods & services
1 of 27
What is mass marketing?
attempting to sell to the whole market, generic products that are very similar
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What is niche marketing?
Selling to a specific segment of the market to suit specific customer needs
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What are the benefits of mass marketing?
- huge customer base
- economies of scale = lower production costs
- mass media advertising
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What are the benefits of niche marketing?
- meet specific consumer needs = higher price
- higher profit margins
- easier entry
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What are all markets?
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Why is online retailing important?
- ensure the product is widely available to consumers
- keep up with competitors
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What are the different reasons markets change?
- political
- economic
- social
- technological
- legal
- environmental
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What is vital in identifying changes in the market?
Market research + understanding of trends
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What does increased competition create the need for?
- to drive down costs
- maintain competitive prices
- to be innovative
- maintain high quality
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What is the difference between risk and uncertainty?
Risk is quantifiable whereas uncertainties are the factors causing the risk
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What is the difference between product and market orientation?
Product - considers internal factors before changes in the market
Market - consumers views and behaviours at the centre of decision making
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What are some advantages of primary research?
- specific
- up to date
- understand customer psychology
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What are some advantages of secondary research?
- free
- market overview
- large-scale + reliably produced
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Disadvantages of primary research
- expensive
- risk of bias
- might have to compare with other information to understand
- time-consuming
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Disadvantages of secondary research
- out of date
- doesn't suit particular needs
- expensive to buy published reports
- available to competitors
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Methods of secondary research
- internet
- trade press
- government statistics
- past internal sales figures
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Methods of primary research
- surveys
- observation
- focus groups
- interviews
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What are the two major reasons market research data may be unreliable?
- sample size too small
- sample bias
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What is market segmentation?
discovering ways to split up a market into different groups of consumers with similar characteristics & needs
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Benefits of market segmentation?
- products designed to suit specific customers
- higher price charged
- easier to target consumers to promote to
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What is market positioning?
deciding exactly what image you're creating for your product relative to rivals
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What does a market map allow?
A business to identify gaps in the market
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What are the two main ways to have competitive advantage?
- be the lowest cost producer = cheaper prices
- sustainable point of differentiation = long term
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What is product differentiation?
attempting to make your product seem more desirable in the eyes of the consumer compared to rivals
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What are examples of perceived product differentiation?
- branding
- advertising
- sponsorship
- celebrity endorsement
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What is added value?
difference between the cost of brought-in goods and services and the selling price of a product
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is mass marketing?


attempting to sell to the whole market, generic products that are very similar

Card 3


What is niche marketing?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the benefits of mass marketing?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the benefits of niche marketing?


Preview of the front of card 5
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