Medicine through time revision 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryMedicine through time (OCR History A)GCSEEdexcel Created by: Aidan BradleyCreated on: 05-11-16 15:38 What epidemic arrived in 1348 England Bubonic Plague 1 of 7 What major invention was invented in 1440 printing press 2 of 7 First to publish an accurate drawing of the human anatomy in 1543 Vesalius 3 of 7 He was nicknamed the English Hippocrates Thomas Sydenham 4 of 7 who created the theory of the 4 humours Hippocrates 5 of 7 who discovered that blood was in a continuous cycle William Harvey 6 of 7 What was the name of the renaissance doctor that dressed up like a bird treating the great plague apothecary 7 of 7
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