Medicine through time - Keywords 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryMedicine through time (OCR History A)GCSEEdexcel Created by: samiyahhhCreated on: 07-03-18 19:37 Bloodletting The drawing of blood from a patient by a doctor 1 of 11 Dissection Cutting open a body to examine its eternal structure 2 of 11 Four humours A theory that developed in Ancient Greece to explain illness due to an imbalance of blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile in the body 3 of 11 Latrine Something used as a communal toilet (individual latrines were called privies). 4 of 11 Medieval A name for the "Middle Ages", the period between the Ancient World (which ended when the Romans left Britain) 5 of 11 Physician A trained doctor 6 of 11 Public health The standard of living conditions and general health of the people 7 of 11 Purging Getting rid of bad or excess Humours, by making someone sick, by making them have diarrhoea . 8 of 11 Society The way a group of people links together in some common ways 9 of 11 Supernatural Forces outside nature that some people believe can affect events eg, God charms and luck, witchcraft and astrology 10 of 11 Surgeon Someone who deals with wounds or with treatment that involves cutting the body 11 of 11
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