Medicine: Renaissance 1500-1700 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryMedicine through time (OCR History A)GCSEEdexcel Created by: fuzz.yCreated on: 21-10-17 16:21 2 causes that continued in the Renaissance 1500-1700 Miasma and 4 Humours 1 of 10 2 reasons for change in the ideas about causes of disease decline in influence of the church & new technology (microscopes) + better understanding of the human anatomy 2 of 10 3 important individuals who had new medical theories Thomas Sydenham / Andreas Vesalius / William Harvey 3 of 10 1 way herbal remedies changed in the Renaissance New herbs found in the New World (America) e.g Sasparilla 4 of 10 What was Iatrochemistry? chemical cures using metals & minerals 5 of 10 1 way apothecaries + surgeons changed in the Renaissance Have a liscence or have worked as an apprentice 6 of 10 2 ways that improved trainee physicians' medical learning Access to more medical texts (fugitive sheets) & dissections legalised 7 of 10 What happened to Hospitals as a result of the Dissolution of Monasteries? They closed down because of their religious ties with the Catholic church. 8 of 10 How many people died from the Great Plague, 1665? 100,000 Londoners 9 of 10 State 1 gov. action taken, to stop the Great Plague from spreading? Killed 200,000 stray cats and 40,000 stray dogs 10 of 10
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