Media Key Terms
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- Created by: cameron graham
- Created on: 15-04-13 19:58
Binary Opposition
: Invented by Levis-Strauss, this theory suggests that all narratives are moved along by conflicts. Eg: good/evil, law/crime, strong/weak etc.
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Camera Shots
There are many different types of camera shot, each used for a different effect. Eg: Close-up, medium, long shot, Stedicam, hand-held, bird’s eye view, tracking, pan etc.
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used to control who can access a text. Eg: film certificates, ‘Parental Advisory’ stickers on CDs
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covers how camera shots and editing are used in film.
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the implied meaning of an image
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A rule which texts in a particular genre stick to. Eg: the conventions of the action film genre = tough male star, woman needs rescuing, dramatic music, expensive stunts etc.
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the obvious meaning of an image.
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Diagetic sound
Sound that occurs naturally in a location. Eg: in a supermarket the diagetic sound would be tills, trolleys, the tannoy, people talking etc.
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Dress Codes
Analysis of a character’s physical appearance. Eg: what they’re wearing, jewellery, hair and make-up.
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How camera shots are put together. There are many different types of editing such as cut, fade, wipe, dissolve etc.
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A key question that the audience needs answered by a text.
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how objects are laid out on the page.
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the type/style of writing used.
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the category or type that a text fits into. Eg: war, horror, sci-fi, comedy, romance etc.
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Gesture Codes
Analysis of a character’s body language and facial expressions.
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A very easily recognisable image. More than just a star. Eg: Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, David Beckham
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Objects and symbols in an image. Eg: the iconography of a classroom would be chairs, desks, books, pens, uniforms, whiteboards etc.
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Where one text refers to another text. Eg: ‘Austin Powers’ refers to loads of other films such as James Bond.
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how a scene is constructed to look in a certain way. Dress Codes, Gesture Codes, Iconography, Colours & Lighting all come under this term. Eg: dark colours and sharp cuts between camera shots create a horror mise-en-scene.
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Non-diagetic sound
Sound that is not natural to a scene. Eg: music and voice-overs on TV adverts are non-diagetic.
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Studied fairytales and invented a theory of character that said most stories contain 7 key character roles: hero, princess, villain, helper, donor, mentor, false friend.
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How something is shown to an audience. Representations are influenced by the companies that control what is shown. Eg: American films often show ‘The American Dream’.
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When companies use different media forms to get their texts to their audiences. Eg: News Corp. own The Sun, Sky & 20th Century Fox Films.
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A set of characteristics associated with a particular group. Used as a ‘shorthand’ for producers and audiences. Eg: ‘dumb blonde’.
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Target audience
who the text is aimed at. Can be divided into gender, age, class, occupation, hobbies & interests, income etc.
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Invented a theory of narrative that can be applied to almost any story: equilibrium (at the start of the story everything is fine), disruption (a problem is introduced), resolution (the problem is solved).
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Uses & Gratifications Theory
Suggests audiences use media texts to meet 4 needs: Personal Identity – We relate to characters who are like us or are how we would like to be. Integration & Social Interaction – We want to belong to the group, discussing texts we all enjoy. In
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
There are many different types of camera shot, each used for a different effect. Eg: Close-up, medium, long shot, Stedicam, hand-held, bird’s eye view, tracking, pan etc.
Camera Shots
Card 3
used to control who can access a text. Eg: film certificates, ‘Parental Advisory’ stickers on CDs

Card 4
covers how camera shots and editing are used in film.

Card 5
the implied meaning of an image

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