Media studies revision 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesAudiences and media productsGCSEAQA Created by: rossbrooks123Created on: 27-04-16 18:02 What does BARB stand for? British Audience Research Board 1 of 6 What are BARB used for? They provide the rating and viewing figures for broadcasting companies shows. 2 of 6 What does the NRS stand for? National readership survey 3 of 6 What are the NRS used for? They provide the print industry with their circulation figures (amount of papers sold) so they know how many people read them. 4 of 6 Name some examples of audience categories. Mainstream (large, general group of consumers), segmented (a particular section of the population), niche (a small, specific group of people) 5 of 6 What social status is C2? (NRS social grade definitions) Skilled working class. 6 of 6
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