Meat Revision 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionMeatGCSEAQA Created by: 20TSimonsCreated on: 05-12-22 21:52 What are the white flecks of fat called in meat? Marbling 1 of 8 There is red meat, poultry and _____ meat. White 2 of 8 Beef is what kind of meat? Red 3 of 8 A method of shaping meat sometimes using a mallet Tenderising 4 of 8 Meat should be stored at a temperature no higher than ____ degrees four 5 of 8 Meat in the fridge should be kept on the ______ shelf bottom 6 of 8 Chickens are part of what meat group Poultry 7 of 8 There is fatty meat and ____ meat Lean 8 of 8
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