Mean Time Themes 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureCarol Ann DuffyASWJEC Created by: chocatoo531Created on: 30-04-18 14:39 The Captain of the 1964 Top of the Form Team Nostalgia, Time Passing, Love, Regret, Childhood 1 of 39 Litany Childhood, Society, Religion 2 of 39 Nostalgia Nostalgia, Time Passing, Memories 3 of 39 Stafford Afternoons Childhood, Innocence and Maturity, Danger 4 of 39 Brothers Childhood, Time Passing, Nostalgia, Love, Regret 5 of 39 Before You Were Mine Time Passing, the Past, Childhood, Love 6 of 39 Welltread Childhood, Education, Time Passing, Punishment and Fear 7 of 39 Confession Religion, Control and Manipulation, Punishment and Fear 8 of 39 The Good Teachers Adolescence, Education, Time Passing 9 of 39 Like Earning a Living Adolescence, Education, Insolance 10 of 39 The Cliche Kid Childhood, Nostalgia, Time Passing, Mental Illness, Memories 11 of 39 Pluto Childhood, Nostalgia, Time Passing, Mental Illness and Old Age, Memories 12 of 39 Beachcomber Childhood, Nostalgia, Time Passing, Mental Illness and Old Age, Memories 13 of 39 Caul Time Passing, Maturity, Anger 14 of 39 Away and See Love, Maturity, Self-Discovery 15 of 39 Drunk Love, Maturity and Adulthood, Reality and Illusion 16 of 39 Small Female Skull Love, Self-Care, Time Passing, Death and Decay 17 of 39 Moments of Grace Memories, Time Passing, Nostalgia 18 of 39 First Love Love, Memories, Nostalgia, Time Passing, Relationships 19 of 39 Cafe Royal Time Passing, Reality and Illusion 20 of 39 Crush Love, Youth, Time Passing, Maturity 21 of 39 Never Go Back Time Passing, Death and Decay, Reality and Illusion, Nostalgia 22 of 39 Oslo Mental Illness,Time Passing, Habit 23 of 39 The Grammar of Light Language, Reality and Illusion 24 of 39 Valentine Love, Truth, Reality and Illusion 25 of 39 Sleeping Sexuality, Danger, Relationships, Love 26 of 39 Steam Relationships, Love, Reality and Illusion 27 of 39 Close Relationships, Love, Anger, Nostalgia, Death and Decay 28 of 39 Adultery Relationships, Love, Villainy, Anger 29 of 39 Havisham Love, Relationships, Anger, Nostalgia 30 of 39 The Suicide Death and Decay, Anger, Villainy 31 of 39 Stuffed Death and Decay, Sexuality, Villainy, Control 32 of 39 Fraud Villainy, Reality and Illusion, Anger, Time Passing 33 of 39 The Biographer Villainy, Time Passing, Control, Anger, 34 of 39 The Windows Anger, Reality and Illusion, Loneliness 35 of 39 Disgrace Death and Decay, Relationships, Love, Anger 36 of 39 Room Death and Decay, Loneliness, Anger 37 of 39 Mean Time Death and Decay, Relationships, Love, Time Passing, Anger 38 of 39 Prayer Childhood, Nostalgia, Time Passing, Religion 39 of 39
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