maths 0.0 / 5 ? MathematicsMaps and coordinatesGCSEAQA Created by: liamhalfordCreated on: 28-01-14 11:20 in a scatter graph you use positive or negative ________? correlation 1 of 7 you can use this to plot the lower and upper quartile and your median number? box plot 2 of 7 this graph you have to add up the frequency as you go along so you can use them to plot the points on the graph. cumulative freqency 3 of 7 if the table shows that there is a range between two numbers you have find the _________? midpoint 4 of 7 when you need to find the range of a graph that uses upper and lower quartiles, what is the name called? interquartile 5 of 7 the line of best fit for a cumulative frequency graph should be _________? curved 6 of 7 this graph can have more than one set of plots that can overlap. frequency polygon graph 7 of 7
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