Liquids or gases are injected in, solids are heated to be vapourised
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Ionisation area
Heated filament lamp emits high energy electrons which collide with the atoms knocking off electrons and creating positive ions
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Accelaration Chamber
A magnetic field is used to accelerate all the ions to the same kinetic energy
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Drift Region
This is a vacuum (so the ions don't collide with the air molecules) Since Velocity = Kinetic Energy / Mass, the heavier ions will travel more slowly through this region than the lighter ions
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Ion detector
Lighter ions reach this before heavier ions. A computer system converts the information into a mass spectrum.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Heated filament lamp emits high energy electrons which collide with the atoms knocking off electrons and creating positive ions
Ionisation area
Card 3
A magnetic field is used to accelerate all the ions to the same kinetic energy
Card 4
This is a vacuum (so the ions don't collide with the air molecules) Since Velocity = Kinetic Energy / Mass, the heavier ions will travel more slowly through this region than the lighter ions
Card 5
Lighter ions reach this before heavier ions. A computer system converts the information into a mass spectrum.
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