Mary I
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- Created by: ashtonkiely
- Created on: 16-05-19 20:57
When did LJG become Queen and how long for?
1553 for 7 days
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Did she accept the loss of power
She accepted it because she didn't know she was going to be queen- relieved
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How did Marry deal with Jane?
She kept her in confinement for 6 months, suspended her sentence because she knew she didn't know about being the next successor. However her trail was inevitiable because evryone wanted her executed
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what was the final straw which lead to LJG's execution?
her fathers involvement in the Wyatts rebellion in 1554
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How did Mary succeed the throne in 1553?
she overthrew northumberland and restored Henry's succession act 1544
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why did Mary choose to marry Phillip in 1554?
marrying and Englishman would have caused factional rivalry and she preferred him
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*** did the marriage take place and how did Phillip view Mary?
took place 2 days after they met without consulting the privy council and Phillip viewed Mary as middle aged and childlike in love
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How did parliament respond to the marriage?
Rejected bill whereby mary wanted Phillip included in the 1554 treason law and they also prevented Phillip becoming king 1555
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What were the terms of the treaty which limited Phillips influence on England?
Phillip was given title of king but not the power. Also if Mary died before Phillip then Phillip would have no claim to the crown.
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what other terms were there to appease the people of the marriage?
No foreigners could hold english offices and England couldn't get involved in financing Phillips wars
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Short summary of benefits/ pros of the marriage
Could help her establish Catholicism, Spain was rich and powerful and he had lots of political experience
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Negatives of the Spanish marriage
Phillip was a staunch catholic, may use England to further Spanish ambitions and could cause potential tension with France
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What were the causes of the Wyatt's rebellion?
Caused by Mary's determination to marry Phillip, Xenophobia and economic grievances such as the collapse of the cloth industry
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What is a summary of the Wyatts rebellion 1554?
William raised 3000 men to London but were forced to retreat because the bridge was closed. Rebels surrenders and collapsed in week= showed hostility to the marriage and that protestants cannot be ignored.
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how many councillors did Mary have?
she wanted to be active so had 50 councillors
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what was Bishop Gardiner's importance?
Was imprisoned in Edwards reign, so he was a key minister due to his loyalty to catholicism
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Who was Simon Renard?
He was Phillip's adviser he had a huge influence over Mary because she would ignore her advisers and tun to him. = trusted a foreigner over English councillors
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What was the battle of Quentin 1557?
Phillip pressurised Mary to declare War against France and the pope ( went against marriage terms) = showed marriage was more of a convenience for Spain
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How did France respond?
when they recovered they seized Calais from England 1558- blow to national pride
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Who did Mary deprive of livings in London and how many?
Deprived 7 prominent protestant Bishops of livings
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What was the 1555 Act of repeal and how did people respond?
Abolished all protestant legislation, 80 Mps voted against it and 800 people exiled
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What was he 1555 act of supremacy?
Made the pope the head of church again
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What did Mary restore in 1554?
Heresy laws- punishable by death to deny papal supremacy and protestants who didn't denounce faith were burned at the stake
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How many protestants did she burn
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What was the regional differences of the burnings
60 in London and mainly in the southeast
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why was Cranmer executed (burnt) in 1556?
He helped Edward introduce Protestantism, and stayed faithful to Protestantism
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what failures were there between 1555-6
Harvest failures which put a huge strain on food and wages
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what influenza happened between 1556-7
Sweating sickness
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What economic failure from henry VIII's reign still effected Marys reign
the debasement of the coinage had bad effects
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What was the 1555 poor law act
licensed beggars had to wear badges- encourage denoting to the poor
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What plan did Mary draw u 1556 but wasn't implemented until Elizabeth's reign?
Re-coinage plans
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what was he new Book of Rates 1558?
all good leaving the country were taxed- had potential to treble income from customs
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What imput did Mary have in naval developments 1558 ?
developed a major ship rebuilding programme nd milliant act which supplied better weapons to military= provided Elizabeth with means to success.
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What happened to Humanism in Marys reign?
The re-introduction of Catholicism weakened it and Mary was very oppressive. The pope banded Erasmus; books because he regarded him as a heretic
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How did Edmund Bonner help make Catholicism the centre of thought?
Wrote a book which explained the catholic faith and doctrine in straightforward manner
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What were Mary's main aims?
Re-establish of Catholicism, Purify England which burning if necessary and bring back religion to her people.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Did she accept the loss of power
She accepted it because she didn't know she was going to be queen- relieved
Card 3
How did Marry deal with Jane?

Card 4
what was the final straw which lead to LJG's execution?

Card 5
How did Mary succeed the throne in 1553?

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