Marxism 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyEducationFamilies and householdsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Eloise.LittlewoodCreated on: 12-02-20 14:39 Economic Base Infrastructure 1 of 10 When the working class are unaware of their exploitation False Class Conciousness 2 of 10 The belief that there are inequalities between groups in society Conflict Theory 3 of 10 Society is more powerful than the individual Structuralist Approach 4 of 10 A heterosexual, married couple with children Nuclear Family 5 of 10 Believes the functions of the family only benefit the bourgeoisie Zaretsky 6 of 10 The family is an ideological agent of the ruling class. Socialisation of Children 7 of 10 Believes the family reproduce class differences Bourdieu 8 of 10 Says women are the "takers of ****" Ansley 9 of 10 Says woman benefit capitalism by dong household chores for free. Benston 10 of 10
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