Industrial market. They mnaufacture air craft engines and flight control systems. Supply to airlines such as... Items made by Schivo are incorporated into final assembly of aeroplanes
1 of 5
What market sector is Schivo in?
Secondary sector. They are creating jobs in aerospace industry (case study).
2 of 5
What is a stakeholder?
A stakeholder is any perosn/group of people having an interest in the success of the business.
3 of 5
They are a stakeholder because thye have interest in the success and profitability of the business. Corporation tax. Employee income tax. Boost local economy. Create jobs - secure jobs. Less social welfare.
4 of 5
have interest because their wages depend on the firm remaining in business.
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Secondary sector. They are creating jobs in aerospace industry (case study).
What market sector is Schivo in?
Card 3
A stakeholder is any perosn/group of people having an interest in the success of the business.
Card 4
They are a stakeholder because thye have interest in the success and profitability of the business. Corporation tax. Employee income tax. Boost local economy. Create jobs - secure jobs. Less social welfare.
Card 5
have interest because their wages depend on the firm remaining in business.
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