Mao - Establishing Communist Rule

  • Created by: junosix07
  • Created on: 24-09-24 09:54
What year did the CCP come to power?
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What was the name of the party the CCP fought in the Civil War?
Kuomintang (GMD)
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In what year did the Korean War begin?
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What were the '3 antis' (1951)?
corruption, waste, and delay
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What were the '5 antis' (1952)?
bribery, tax evasion, theft of state property, fraud, and economic espionage
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What were the 1941 Rectification Campaigns?
A purge of Mao's political enemies within the party to cement his position as leader. Key targets were Zhao Enlai and Peng Dehuai.
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What was the Common Program?
The new constitution updated in 1954
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What were trained party members known as?
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What year did Mao step down as head of state and why?
1958, because of the failure of the GLF and creation of the 3rd 5YP
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How many members did the Youth League have by 1953?
9 million
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What is democratic centralism?
Where the illusion of democracy is portrayed by a centralised government
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What were the components of Mao Zedong Thought?
Nationalism, Continuing Revolution, Listening to the People, and Mass Mobilisation
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Which areas targeted by the Reunification Campaigns (1949-50) was subject to population dilution?
Xinjiang and Tibet
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In the areas affected by population dilution during the 1949-50 Reunification Campaigns, who were the people brought in in order to achieve that?
Hans, the main ethnic group of China
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Which province became a security buffer zone during the 1949-50 Reunification Campaigns?
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When did the PLA invade Tibet and why?
1950, because it had been an independent entity since 1913 and they wanted to destroy Tibetan identity and Buddhism
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Why was labelling introduced?
To root out nationalist sympathisers
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What were the class categories in the Dangan under labelling?
Good, Middle, Bad
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The Great Terror lasted one year, when?
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What was the CCP's excuse for the Great Terror?
The Korean War
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What was the result of the 28th April 1951 raid on cities?
Confessions, executions, and sucides
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What were 'tigers' during the 5 antis campaign?
Those suspected of large-scale corruption
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What was the official explanation for the Laogai Camps?
They were places of 're-education'
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Who was directly targeted in the '5 antis' campaign?
Members of the bourgeoisie who had been encouraged to stay in their high status jobs to help the regime settle in
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How much money did the Laogai system contribute to the Chinese economy?
700 million yuan
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What was the reality of the Laogai system's impact on society?
It supplied the terror to scare people into conformity
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In 1955, due to further purges known as re-education through labour, how many more prisoners were taken to the camps?
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What was the purpose of the Hundred Flowers (1957) Campaign?
To call for an open debate to discuss the results of the first 5YP
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What did Mao do initially to promote the Hundred Flowers Campaign (1957)?
He summoned the People's Daily newspaper to promote news coverage and took a railway tour to engage with the peasants
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How is Hu Feng significant to the reversal of the Hundred Flowers Campaign (1957)?
His book criticised Mao and the CCP too harshly, and as a result thousands of intellectuals were purged from the party and jailed
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Why was the Hundred Flowers Campaign (1957) stopped so abruptly?
A wave of criticism of policy and individual leaders, labelled those who spoke out as 'rightists'
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Why did the PRC get involved in the Korean War?
Mao was worried that an American victory would leave China vulnerable to attack from US bombers operating in North Korea
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Why did wartime terror during the Korean War increase party power?
Local leaders were given key roles in organising the details, and ordinary workers were happy to denounce exploititive bosses
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Why were foreigners in China put under pressure during the Korean War?
Pre-war hostility turned into open persecution because of anti-American protests and propaganda
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What was the Sino-Soviet Treaty (1950)?
Drawn up by Zhao Enlai, it was a loan of $3,000,000 in return for bullion stock
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How did Mao promote national unity during the Korean War?
calling on people to 'resist America, Aid Korea, Aid our Homes, Defend our Nation'
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How was anti-American paranoia whipped up during the Korean War?
Zhao Enlai organised student demonstrations and patriotic parades where anti-American slogans were chanted, and mass participation was ensured with a promise of punishment
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How were the people forced to donate to the war effort (Korean War)?
forced requisitioning of grain from farmers, and forced donations of 3 months salary from intellectuals
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What happened in Beijing in 1952 to stir up fear of Americans during the Korean War?
Germ warfare scares of aerial bombardment were claimed to have been dropped on Manchuria, as well as rats infected with plague
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Why was it hard for the Americans to blame and invade China for manpower losses during the Korean War?
The conscripts that went off to fight on the side of the North Koreans were officially labelled as 'volunteers'
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Why was the Korean War such a financial strain on the PRC?
over half of government spending was on the military, and the annual budget was 75% of 1950
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What caused difficulty in supplies for the army when they entered the Korean War?
a trade embargo was placed on China as they entered the war, causing a 30% fall in foreign trade
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How did the Korean War restrict the success of the first 5 year plan?
vital industrial resources that were supposed to go back into the country's infrastructure were being diverted into the Korean conflict
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How did the Korean War benefit China's international standing?
they could now claim to be the strongest communist country from holding off the Americans for 3 years, and had an ally in now communist North Korea
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What were the international downsides of the Korean War on China?
the new US enemy was worried that countries around the PRC would fall to domino theory, and the CIA plotted to undermine CCP control in Tibet
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Why was the PRC denied access to the UN until 1972?
because the nationalists in Taiwan were regarded as the voice of China
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Why did relations with the USSR deteriorate following the Korean War?
Mao saw how Stalin had mislead him and resented the failure to supply air cover and get involved in the fighting
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Why did Mao abandon the Sino-Soviet Treaty (1950)?
He disliked Khrushchev as he saw him as a revisionist who stopped the revolution before it was over
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the name of the party the CCP fought in the Civil War?


Kuomintang (GMD)

Card 3


In what year did the Korean War begin?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were the '3 antis' (1951)?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were the '5 antis' (1952)?


Preview of the front of card 5
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