If a number's digit is 5 or over you round it up, but if it is 4 or under you round it below.
1 of 17
How do you find the area of a shape?
You meausure the length and width of the shape. Then times it, and your two answers that you get you have to add them. And that's your answer, don't forget your squared or cubed!
2 of 17
What does 'C' stand for in roman numerals?
3 of 17
What is volume?
Volume is used to calculate three-dimensional spaces (3D shapes) to give an accurate answer when answering equations.
4 of 17
What is long divison?
Long divison is a method we use when we can't divide 2 digits in short divison so we use long divison, and our use of adding and multiplication skills.
5 of 17
What is short division?
Short divison is a way we use to divide one-digit questions such as 182 {divided} 3.
6 of 17
x= 3 27= y+x What is y?
y= 24 Because x= 3 So you do 27-3=24
7 of 17
Why do we use mental maths strategies?
We use them to add, minus, multiply or divide quicker. Example: 15+4=19 But what I CAN do is 15+5=20 And then.. 20-1=19
8 of 17
Roxy had £5.23p. She spent £3.82p. How much money does she have left?
She will have £1.41p change left.
9 of 17
Half 756.
10 of 17
What is mean?
Add up all the numbers {divide} by the amount of numbers.
11 of 17
What is mode?
Most common number.
12 of 17
What is median?
Numbers from smallest to biggest then find the middle number.
13 of 17
What is range?
To find the difference between the biggest and the smallest numbers.
14 of 17
Name 3 multiples of 8.
Any of these three 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96.
15 of 17
What does perpendicular mean?
A straight line at an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface.
16 of 17
What does parellel mean?
Lines (of lines, planes, or surfaces) side by side and having the same distance continuously between them.
17 of 17
Other cards in this set
Card 2
How do you find the area of a shape?
You meausure the length and width of the shape. Then times it, and your two answers that you get you have to add them. And that's your answer, don't forget your squared or cubed!
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