Name three techniques used to select the most suitable candidate.
Testing, Assessment Centres, Interviews
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Name five topics often covered in induction training.
Background info on organisation. Organisation/department procedures, Meeting new colleagues, Health & Safety requirements, Introduction to tasks required.
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Define on the job training.
Training that it conducted at the employee's normal place of work.
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Define off the job training.
Training that it conducted away from the employee's normal place of work.
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What is a staff appraisal?
An evaluation of staff performance and identification of training needs.
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What is employee relations?
The formal relationship between employees and employers, which may involve each of their representatives.
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What is collective bargaining?
Where negotiations are carried out on behalf of multiple parties instead of negotiating separately.
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What does ACAS stand for?
Arbitration, Conciliation and Advisory Service.
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What is the role of ACAS?
A service, funded by the government, that assists in disputes where agreement between employees and employers cannot be reached.
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What is a works council?
A group of representatives from the workforce who have a legal right to access information from management, and have joint decision-making powers on most matters relating to employees.
14 of 25
List three types of industrial action.
Strike, Sit in, Overtime Ban, Work to Rule, Go Slow
15 of 25
Identify three key pieces of employment legislation.
National Minimum Wage Regulations 1998, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Equality Act 2010, Employment Rights Act 1996
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