Managing people wordsearch 0.0 / 5 ? Applied BusinessGeneral questionsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: meganpoppleton99Created on: 26-04-17 11:08 A power based on receiving for example a 'bonus' reward power 1 of 17 a manager is 'responsible' for the actions/mistakes for a subordinate responsibility 2 of 17 An organisation with few layers of hierarchy, short chain of command and wide spans of control flat organisation structure 3 of 17 a short-term, easily reversible decision, made usually by middle or junior managers tactical 4 of 17 AN organisation structure with many layers of hierarchy, long chain of command and narrow spans of control tall organisation structure 5 of 17 a decision made 'every day' routine 6 of 17 a power based on fear coercive power 7 of 17 decision made before there is a problem proactive 8 of 17 a power based on the managers position in the organisation legitimate or position power 9 of 17 The layers within the organisation structure reflecting the number of managers at different levels in the organisation levels or layers of hierarchy 10 of 17 a power based on knowledge, skills or experience expert power 11 of 17 route by which decisions and information are passed up and down the organisation structure chain of command 12 of 17 number of staff reporting to a manager span of control 13 of 17 organisation of a firm into teams based on a project matrix structure 14 of 17 a decision made very rarely non-routine 15 of 17 a subordinate is 'accountable' to a line manager accountability 16 of 17 a long-term, major decision which can not be easily reversed, made by senior managers strategic 17 of 17
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