Management information systems- chapter 1/ week 1

  • Created by: jmf00632
  • Created on: 14-10-19 10:52
examples of how information systems have changed the way businesses operate and their products and services.
1. Operational excellence 2. New products, services, and business models 3. Customer and supplier intimacy 4. Improved decision making 5. Competitive advantage 6. Survival
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more detail
• Customer and supplier intimacy: • Serving customers well leads to customers returning, which raises revenues and profits. • Example: High-end hotels that use computers to track customer preferences and used to monitor and customise environment
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how has cloud computing impacted businesses?
computers on the internet complete tasks that used to be completed on corporate computers- big business op are del online as an internet servuce (software as a serv)
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how has big data impacted businesses?
businesses look for insights from huge volumes of data e.g. web traffic, social media, emails, sensors e.ct.
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how have phones impacted business?
they are able to download thousands of applications to support collabs, location based services, and communication with colleagues
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the characteristics of a digital firm
which nearly all of the organization’s significant business relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees are digitally enabled and mediated. Core business processes are accomplished through digital networks spanning the entire organization
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explain what globalisation has to do with man info systems
Globalisation is the process of interaction and integration between people, companies, and governments worldwide. Globalization has grown due to advances in transportation and communication technology. With increased global interactions comes the gro
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six reasonswhy MIS are so important to businesses today
as follows
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Operational Excellence
businesses can improve their efficency which helps to increase their profit. for example, software that shows them how much stock they should have so they can supply customers with it
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new products, services and business models
New business models can be created and these can describe how a company produce, create and sell there products.
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customer and supplier intamcy
the better servies a company provides the more chance they have of coming back and therefore creating a loyal rel with customers
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improved dec making
IS help managers to collect info and data so therefore they do not have to waste time collecting data
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comp advantage
if business acheive these 6 things they have a good advantage over comp
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an example is Citibank introduced the first ATM machine to make it easier for customers to access their money and to cut down queues in their banks.
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what is an info system and what are the 3 main activities that they perform?
Information systems process raw data to produce information. they input, process and output info
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What are information systems tech components?
cloud computing, big data, mobiles
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cloud computing - impact on business
can perform several tasks (software as a service, (SaaS)
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Big data - impact on business
businesses loook for insights from data - emails, web traffic, social media e.c.t.
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phones and tablets - impact on business
download studf, communication, consumer and corporate computing, location based serivices
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what are information systems managment components?
managers adopt online collab an social networking software, business intellignce app , virtual meetings
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managers adopt online collab an social networking software - impact on business
improve cooperation, collab and knowledge sharing - google apps, microsoft e.c.t. to suppport project man, meetings e.c.t.
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business intellignce app - impact on business
provides powerful data analytics and interactive dashboards- gives managers real time performace info which enhances dec making
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virtual meetings- impact on business
imporves collab and decision making while saving time and money
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what are information systems organisation components?
social business, teleowrk gains momentum in the work place,co- reation of business value
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social business - impact on business
managerws use social media to deepen relationships with employees and customers
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telework - impact on business
phones, tablets, laptops- they give employees the choice to work remotely
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co-creation of business value
sources of bus value shift from products to solutions and experiences, and from internal sources to network of suppliers and collab with chains and prod dev become more global
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what is the difference between technology and an information system?
information systems incorporates the technology, people and processes involved with information. Information technology is the design and implementation of information, or data, within the information system.
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what are complementary assets?
Complementary assets are assets, infrastructure or capabilities needed to support the successful commercialization and marketing of a technological innovation, other than those assets fundamentally associated with that innovation.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


more detail


• Customer and supplier intimacy: • Serving customers well leads to customers returning, which raises revenues and profits. • Example: High-end hotels that use computers to track customer preferences and used to monitor and customise environment

Card 3


how has cloud computing impacted businesses?


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Card 4


how has big data impacted businesses?


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Card 5


how have phones impacted business?


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