Macroeconomics Key Terms
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- Created by: Richard98
- Created on: 20-03-17 14:21
Absolute poverty
The situation of a household whose income is insufficient to purchase the minimum bundle of goods and services needed for survival
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A theory by whih the level of investment depends upon the change in real output
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Aggregate demand curve (AD)
A curve showing the relationship between the level of aggregate demand in an economy and the overall price level; it shows planned expenditure at any given overall price level
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Automatic stabilisers
A process by which government expenditure and revenue vary with the economic cycle, thereby helping to stabilise the economy without any conscious intervention from government
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Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
An institution that acts as a bank for central banks and sets standards for regulation of banks that are accepted globally
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Bank rate
The rate of interest charged by the Bank of England on short-term loans to other banks
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Broad money (M4)
M0 plus sterling wholesale and retail deposits with monetary financial institutions such as banks and building societies
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Capital adequacy ratio
The ratio of a bank's capital to its current liabilities and risk-weighted assets
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Central bank
The banker to the government, performing a range of functions, which may include issues of coins and banknotes, acting as banker to commercial banks and regulating the financial system
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Common Market
A set of trading arrangements in which a group of countries remove barriers to trade among them, adopt a common set of barriers against external trade, establish common tax rates and laws regulating economic activity, allow free movement of factors
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Credit multiplier
A process by which an increase in money supply can have a multiplied effect on the amount of credit in an economy
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Crowding in
A process by which a decrease in government expenditure 'crowds in' private sector activity by lowering the cost of borrowing
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Crowding out
A process by which an increase in government expenditure 'crowds out' private sector activity by raising the cost of borrowing
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Customs union
A group of countries that agree to remove restrictions on trade between the member countries, and set a common set of restrictions (including tariffs) against non-member states
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A process by which real per capita incomes are increased and the inhabitants of a country are able to benefit from improved living conditions i.e. lower poverty and enhanced standards of education, health, nutrition and other essentials of life
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Direct tax
A tax levied directly on income
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Economic and monetary union
A set of trading arrangements the same as for common market, but in addition having a common currency (or permanently fixed exchange rates between the member countries) and a common monetary policy
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Economic cycle
A phenomenon whereby GDP fluctuates around its underlying trend, following a regular pattern
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Emerging economies
Economies that have experienced rapid economic growth with some industrialisation and characteristic of developed markets
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Exchange rate
The price of one currency in terms of another
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Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
A body separate from the Bank of England responsible for conduct regulation of financial servics firms
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Financial intermediaries
Institutions such as banks and building societies that channel funds from lenders to borrowers
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Financial Policy Committee (FPC)
The decision-making body of the Bank of England responsible for macroprudential regulation
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Financial stability
It is present when there is an efficient flow of funds in the economy and confidence in financial institutions
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Fiscal policy
Decisions made by the government on its expenditure, taxation and borrowing
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Foreign direct investment (FDI)
Investment undertaken in one country by companies based in other countries
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Foreign exchange gap
A situation in which and LDC is unable to import the goods that it needs for development because of a shortage of foreign exchange
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Free trade area
A group of countries that agree to remove tariffs, quotas and other restrictions on trade between the member countries, but have no agreement on a common barrier against non-members
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General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Precursor of the WTO, GATT organised a series of 'rouds' of tariff reductions
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Gini Index
A measure of the degree of inequality in a society
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A process y which the world's economies are becoming more closely integrated
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GNI per capita
GDP plus net income from abroad, expressed as an average per person
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Golden Rule of fiscal policy
A rule stating that, over the economic cycle, net government borrowing will be investment only, and not for current spending
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Harrod-Domar model
A model of economic growth that emphasises the importance of saving and investment importance of savings and investment
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HIPC Initiative
An initiative launched in 1995 to provide debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries
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Human development index
A composite indicator of the level of a country's development, varying between 0 and 1
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Indirect tax
A tax on expenditure e.g. VAT
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Inflation targeting
An approach to monetary policy in which the central bank is given independence to set interest rates in order to meet an inflation target
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Interbank lending
Borrowing and lending between banks to manage their liquidity and other requirements for short-term funds
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International Monetary Fund (IMF)
A multilateral institution that acts as a bank for central banks and sets standards for regulation of banks that are accepted globally
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Keynesian School
A group of economists who believed that the macroeconomy could settle in an equilibrium that was below the full employment level
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Lender of last resort
The role of the central bank in guarenteeing sufficient liquidity is available in the monetary system
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The average rate of interest on interbank lending in the London interbank market
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The extent to which an asset can be converted in the short term and without the holder incurring a cost
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Liquidity preference
A theory that suggests that people will desire to hold money as an asset
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Liquidity ratio
The ratio of liquid assets to total assets
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Liquidity trap
A situation in an economy when interest rates can fall no further, and monetary policy cannot influence aggregate demand
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Long-run Aggregate supply curve (LRAS)
A curve that shows the amount of real output that will be supplied in the economy in the long run at any given overall price level
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Long-run economic growth
An increase in the productive capacity of the economy
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Lorenz curve
A graphical way of depicting the distribution of income within a country
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Macroprudential regulation
Financial regulation intened to mitigate the risk of the financial system as a whole
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Marginal propensity to withdraw
The sum of the marginal propensities to save, tax and import; it is the proportion of additional income that is withdrawn from the circular flow
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Marginal tax rate
Tax on additional income, defined as the change in tax payments divided by the change in taxable income
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Market for loanable funds
The notion that households will be influenced by the rate of interest in making saving decisions, which will then determine the quantity of loanable funds available for firms to borrow for investment
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Schemes that provide finance for small-scale projects in LDCs
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Microprudential regulation
Financial regulation intended to set standards and supervise financial institutions at the level of the individual firm
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Millennium development goals (MDGs)
Targets set for each less developed country, reflecting a range of development objectives to be monitored each year to evaluate progress
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Monetary policy
Decisions made by the government regarding monetary variables such as money supply and interest rates
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Monetary Policy Committees (MPC)
The body within the Bank of England responsible for the conduct of monetary policy
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Monetary stability
A situation in which there is stability in prices relative to the government's inflation target
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Monetary transmission mechanism
The channel by which monetary policy affects aggregate demand
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Monetary union
A situation in which countries adopt a common currency
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Money stock
The quantity of money that is in circulation in the economy
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Multinational corporation (MNC)
A company whose production activites are carried out in more than one country
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The ratio of a change in equilibrium real income to the autonomous change that brought it about; it is calculated as 1 divided by the marginal propensity to withdarw
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Narrow Money (M0)
Notes and coins in circulation and as commercial banks' deposits at the Bank of England
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Natural rate of unemployment
The equilibrium full employment level of unemployment
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New Classical (monetarist) school
A group of economists who believed that the macroeconomy always adjusts rapidly to the full employment level of output; they also argued that monetary policy should be prime instrument for stabilising the economy
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Non-accelerating inflation rate of unempolyment (NAIRU)
The rate of unemploymen in an economy that is consistent with a constant rate of inflation; equivalent to the natural rate of unemployment
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Non-tariff barrier
An obstacle to free trade other than a tariff (e.g. quality standards imposed on imported products)
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Offical development assistance (ODA)
Aid provided to LDCs by countries in the OECD
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Open market operations
Intervention by the central bank to influence short-run interest rates by buying or selling securities
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Output gap
The difference between actual GDP and its trend value
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Phillips curve
An empirical relationship suggesting that there is a trade-off between unemployment and inflation
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Primary production
Production using natural resources, including the extraction of raw materials and the growing of crops
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Progressive tax
A tax in which the marginal rate rises with income
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Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA)
The decision-making body in the Bank of England responsible formicroprudential regulation of deposit-takers, insurers and major investment firms
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Quantitative easing
A process by which liquidity in the economy is increased when the central bank purchases assets from the commercial banks
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A situation in which an economy's real GDP falls in two consecutive quarters
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Regressive tax
A tax bearing more heavily on the relative poorer members of society
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Relative poverty
A situation in which household income falls below 50% of median adjusted household income
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A sale and repurchase agreement, whereby one financial institution sells a financial asset to another with an agreement to buy it back at an agreed future date
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Retail banks
Banks that provide high-street services to depositors
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Secondary production
The production of manufactured goods
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A process whereby future cash flows are converted into marketable securities
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Short-run aggregate supply curve (SAS)
A curve showing how much output firms are prepared to supply in the short run at any given overall price level
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Short-run economic growth
An increase in GDP as the economy moves towards capacity output
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Stages of economic growth
A process described by economic historian Walt Rostow, which set out five stages through which he claimed that all developing countries would pass
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A situation describing an economy in which both unemployment and inflation are high at the same time
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A tax imposed on imported goods
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Terms of trade
The ratio of export prices to import prices
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Tertiary production
The production of the service sector; may include the quaternary sector, which includes production based on information technology and information products
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Trade creation
The replacement of more expensive domestic production or imports with cheaper output from a partner within the trading bloc
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Trade diversion
The replacement of cheaper imported goods by goods from a less efficient trading partner within a bloc
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Universal banks
Banks that operate in both retail and wholesale markets
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Velocity of circulation (V)
The rate at which money changes hands; the volume of transactions divided by money stock
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Voluntary export restraint (VER)
An agreement by a country to limit its exports to another country to a given quantity (quota)
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Wholesale banks
Banks that deal with companies and other banks on a large scale
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World Bank
A multilateral organisation that provides financing for long-term development projects
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World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Multilateral body responsible for overseeing the conduct of international trade
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A theory by whih the level of investment depends upon the change in real output
Card 3
Aggregate demand curve (AD)
Card 4
Automatic stabilisers
Card 5
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
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