Macbeth - Quote Quiz (Part 2) 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureMacbethGCSEAQA Created by: KA_MissButlerCreated on: 08-04-20 11:32 Finish the quote (Lady Macbeth to Macbeth): "look like the innocent flower but be the... serpent under't" 1 of 19 Who claims: "We have scotch'd snake; not kill'd it" Macbeth 2 of 19 Fill in the gap (Macbeth) : "And make our faces ________ to our hearts" vizards 3 of 19 When Macbeth hallucinates The Ghost of Banquo, what question does Lady Macbeth ask him? "Are you a man?" 4 of 19 Finish the quote (Lady Macbeth to Macbeth): "This is the very painting of your fear: this is the... air-drawn dagger" 5 of 19 Fill in the gap (Lennox): "a swift blessing may soon return to this our ______ country under a hand accursed!" suffering 6 of 19 Finish the quote (Macbeth to the Witches): "How now you... secret, black and midnight hags" 7 of 19 Which is NOT a prophecy from the apparitions in Act 4, Scene 1? "All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!" 8 of 19 Fill in the gap (Lady Macbeth): "Out _______ spot! Out I say!" damned 9 of 19 Finish the quote (Lady Macbeth): "All the perfumes of Arabia will not ... sweeten this little hand" 10 of 19 Who states: "Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief" about Macbeth? Angus 11 of 19 Fill in the gap (Angus): "Now does he feel his ________ murders sticking on his hands?" secret 12 of 19 Macbeth will not be afraid of death until ... "Birnam forest come to Dunsinane" 13 of 19 Finish the quote (Macbeth): "Life's but a walking shadow [...] it is a tale told by an idiot full of ... sound and fury, signifying nothing" 14 of 19 Fill in the gap (Macbeth): "Out, out ________ candle" brief 15 of 19 Who states: "The devil himself could not pronounce a title more hateful to mine ear" in response to Macbeth's name? Young Siward 16 of 19 Finish the quote: "Macduff was from his mother's womb... untimely ripp'd" 17 of 19 Fill in the gap (Macbeth): "I will not yield to _______ the ground before young Malcolm's feet" kiss 18 of 19 Finish the quote (Macduff): "Behold! Where stands the... usurper's cursed head" 19 of 19
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