Macbeth Key Quotations + Analysis
- Created by: TashaaLouisee13
- Created on: 17-10-17 17:25
A1S1 SD - "Thunder and lighning"
Use of pathetic fallacy to immediately indicate the sinister and unnatural; the introduction of this type of weather implies chaos is about to unfold. (THEME-Supernatural)
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A1S1 WITCHES - "Upon the heath"
The witches immediately introduce the theme of the supernatural. The stage direction shows the witches meet in secret because they are mysterious and do not want their immoral actions to be observed. (THEMES-Supernatural and Deception)
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A1S2 CAPTAIN - "like valour's minion carved out his passage"
The simile insinuates that Macbeth is the slave of courage, yet the verb 'carved' suggests a certain artistry as Macbeth slaughters individuals across the battlefield. (THEME-Heroism)
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A1S2 CAPTAIN - "As sparrows, eagles or hare, the lion"
The Captain describes both Macbeth and Banquo in this simile, giving them both qualities of predators which shows their strength, courage and viciousness on the battlefield. (THEME-Heroism)
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A1 S3 MACBETH - "So foul and fair a day I have not seen"
Macbeth indicates the atmosphere of the day is perplexing, he senses something that is eldritch. Macbeth claims the day is fair due to his success in the battle, yet foul due to the presence of the witches. (THEME-Heroism)
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A1 S3 WITCHES - “All Hail King hereafter”
The witches use language which shows that they are already treating Macbeth as though he has his new position, tempting Macbeth to believe their prophecies. (THEMES-Supernatural and Deception)
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A1 S3 BANQUO - "The instruments of darkness tell us betray us in deepest consequence"
Banquo demonstrates greater caution regarding the witches prophecies. He has a heightened sense of wrong and right compared to Macbeth. Banquo foreshadows the further deceit and how wrong this will go for Macbeth if he follows their prophecies.
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A1 S5 MACBETH'S LETTER - "Dearest partner of greatness"
This description shows the way in which Macbeth regards his wife and it is far more complimentary than how his wife reacts to him. (THEMES-Relationships and Gender roles)
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A1 S5 LADY MACBETH'S SOLILOQUY - "Unsex me here"
Lady Macbeth appeals to the dark spirits in order to give her the strength to carry out regicide. This shows how she would happily rid of her feminine qualities to be able to take the crown. (THEMES-Ambition and gender roles)
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A1S5 LADY MACBETH TO MACBETH - "Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it”
Lady Macbeth instructs Macbeth to be duplicitous and act kind towards Duncan but know their true intentions. (THEMES-Gender roles, ambition and deception)
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A1S7 LADY MACBETH TO MACBETH - “When you durst do it, then you were a man”
Lady Macbeth emasculates Macbeth to try to force him into committing regicide. She is shown as vicious and determined.
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A1S7 LADY MACBETH INTERRUPTS MACBETH - “If we fail?” “We fail. Screw your courage to the sticking place.”
Lady Macbeth cuts off Macbeth’s doubts and instead instructs him to be stronger in his resolve and thinking about the murder; she will not entertain the idea that they will not go through with the murder. (THEMES-Ambition, gender roles and deception)
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A2S1 MACBETH - “Is this a dagger I see before me?”
Demonstrates Macbeth’s mind is set upon the murder as the handle is pointed towards him indicating a resolve is emerging as he considers the act that has to be done. This hallucination may indicate Macbeth’s ambition.
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A2S2 LADY MACBETH - “ Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done it”
Lady Macbeth makes excuses for her lack of involvement in the execution of the murder, indicating that the individual begging for “direst cruelty” has in fact limitations, making her humiliation of Macbeth earlier even more hypocritical. (THEME-REL)
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A2S2 MACBETH - "Amen stuck in my throat"
Words uttered by Macbeth after murdering Duncan; he believes his connection with God has been severed due to his deed. He cannot pray to ask for forgiveness because he knew it was wrong but willingly proceeded. (THEME-Regret and religion)
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A2S2 LADY MACBETH - “Wash this filthy witness from your hands”
Lady Macbeth wishes to diver Macbeth’s attention from the deed, knowing that too much time to consider it will haunt him; she’s also pragmatic and knows that he cannot be seen with evidence of the crime on his person. (THEME-Gender roles)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The witches immediately introduce the theme of the supernatural. The stage direction shows the witches meet in secret because they are mysterious and do not want their immoral actions to be observed. (THEMES-Supernatural and Deception)
A1S1 WITCHES - "Upon the heath"
Card 3
The simile insinuates that Macbeth is the slave of courage, yet the verb 'carved' suggests a certain artistry as Macbeth slaughters individuals across the battlefield. (THEME-Heroism)

Card 4
The Captain describes both Macbeth and Banquo in this simile, giving them both qualities of predators which shows their strength, courage and viciousness on the battlefield. (THEME-Heroism)

Card 5
Macbeth indicates the atmosphere of the day is perplexing, he senses something that is eldritch. Macbeth claims the day is fair due to his success in the battle, yet foul due to the presence of the witches. (THEME-Heroism)

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