Macbeth Characters Part 1 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureMacbethGCSEAQA Created by: AKelly0929Created on: 28-11-19 19:01 Which character is first present in the play? The witches 1 of 20 Who does Macbeth kill? Duncan 2 of 20 Who kills Macbeth? Macduff 3 of 20 Who says”stars hide your fires. Let the night not see my black and deep desires” Macbeth 4 of 20 Who helps Macbeth in killing Duncan? Lady Macbeth 5 of 20 Which character says” It is too full o'th'milk of human kindness“? Lady Macbeth 6 of 20 Which character says”In every point twice done and then done double”? Lady Macbeth 7 of 20 Who is Fleances father? Banquo 8 of 20 Who says”The instruments of darkness tell us truths;”? Banquo 9 of 20 Who according to the witches prophecy is the only person who can stop Macbeth? Macduff 10 of 20 Who says”Within my sword's length set him; if he scape,”? Macduff 11 of 20 What is the main supernatural character in Macbeth The Witches 12 of 20 Who says the quote”Double, double, toil and trouble;” The Witches 13 of 20 What is the main theme in Macbeth? Ambition 14 of 20 What type of play is Macbeth? Tragedy 15 of 20 Who wrote Macbeth? William Shakespeare 16 of 20 How many acts are in the play? Five 17 of 20 How is the majority of the play written as? Iambic pentameter 18 of 20 Who says the quote”fair is foul and foul isn’t fair”? The witches 19 of 20 Where does Macduff flee to? England 20 of 20
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