Macbeth characters and events quiz 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LiteratureMacbethGCSEAQA Created by: RachelgetsrevisingCreated on: 25-02-18 18:44 Who does Macbeth murder? King Duncan 1 of 16 The witches prophecy says _____ children will be kings Banquo 2 of 16 Who establishes an alibi for Duncan's Murder? Lady Macbeth 3 of 16 Who's ghost appears at the Banquet? Banquos' 4 of 16 Who kills Macbeth in single combat? Macduff 5 of 16 Who commits suicide? Lady Macbeth 6 of 16 Which act and scene does Banquos' ghost appear? Act 3, scene 4 7 of 16 Who is obsessed with nightmares of their treacherous actions? Lady Macbeth 8 of 16 Who says "Out, damned spot! Out, I say! - One: two: why // then, 'tis time to do't" Lady Macbeth 9 of 16 Why did Macbeth take the place of the previous 'Thane of Cawdor'? The previous Thane was... Treacherous 10 of 16 Who suspects Macbeth is guilty of treason, and so doesn't attend his coronation? Act 2, scene 4 Macduff 11 of 16 How does Lady Macbeth greet King Duncan, when he comes to stay at their castle? Warmly 12 of 16 Who discovers Duncan's' murder? Macduff 13 of 16 What gift does King Duncan send to Lady Macbeth? Act 2, Scene 1 A diamond 14 of 16 Who usually speaks in blank verse? But speaks in prose after reading a letter. Lady Macbeth 15 of 16 Who has Macduff's family killed beacause of further prophecies, whilst they're fled to England? Macbeth 16 of 16
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