Macbeth character quiz 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LiteratureMacbethGCSEAll boards Created by: 17jessicaCreated on: 19-05-17 15:27 who gets Banquo murdered? macbeth 1 of 10 who kills Macbeth? macduff 2 of 10 who discovers King Duncan's body? macduff 3 of 10 how many witches are there? three 4 of 10 who is the goddess of witchcraft? hecate 5 of 10 who kills them self off stage? ladymacbeth 6 of 10 who does Macduff go to England to help? malcolm 7 of 10 who is thane of cawdor? macbeth 8 of 10 who becomes king after Macbeth is killed? malcolm 9 of 10 Who tells Macduff that his family has been killed? ross 10 of 10
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