Yiddish is the historical language of the Ashkenazi Jews.
1 of 10
what is a rabbi?
In Judaism, a rabbi is a teacher of Torah.
2 of 10
what is the ark (aron hakodesh)?
It is a cupboard which contains one or more Torah scrolls, the holiest objects in the synagogue.
3 of 10
what is the sabbath?
a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening, and by most Christians on Sunday.
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what is a ladino?
Ladino, otherwise known as Judeo-Spanish, is the spoken and written Hispanic language of Jews of Spanish origin.
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what is shepardim jews?
Sephardi Jews, therefore, encompass Jews descended from those Jews who left the Iberian Peninsula as Jews by the expiration of the respective decreed deadlines.
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what is ashkenazi jews
Ashkenazi Jews in Israel refers to immigrants and descendants of Ashkenazi Jews, who now reside within the state of Israel.
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what does omniscient mean?
all knowing.
8 of 10
what does omnipotent mean?
all powerful.
9 of 10
what does omnibenevolent mean?
all loving.
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
In Judaism, a rabbi is a teacher of Torah.
what is a rabbi?
Card 3
It is a cupboard which contains one or more Torah scrolls, the holiest objects in the synagogue.
Card 4
a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening, and by most Christians on Sunday.
Card 5
Ladino, otherwise known as Judeo-Spanish, is the spoken and written Hispanic language of Jews of Spanish origin.
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