1816 and 1819, affected agriculture and the industry, increasing bread prices and lowering wages.
4 of 12
Which industry suffered the most from the war ending?
iron industry would see their manufactured goods fall in price as there was no longer a need for them.
5 of 12
What price did wheat prices fall to?
65/6d per quarter
6 of 12
When were the Corn Laws passed?
7 of 12
Date of Luddites
8 of 12
Where was Luddism most popular?
woollen districts of Yorkshire and Cotton industries of Lancashire and Cheshire and the Hoisery districsts of the East Midlands (Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Derbyshire)
9 of 12
When and why did Luddism spread to Yorkshire?
1812, when a factory was burned down in Leeds because the factory had gig-mills and shearing frames
10 of 12
Example of type of manual labourers concerned by mills
Croppers, there were 1,733 croppers in Leeds in 1814 but this number was decreasing rapidly
11 of 12
When did the Luddites attack William Cartwright?
In April 1812
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
When was the income tax repealed
Card 3
More paper credit than gold actually in stock
Card 4
1816 and 1819, affected agriculture and the industry, increasing bread prices and lowering wages.
Card 5
iron industry would see their manufactured goods fall in price as there was no longer a need for them.
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