Light-independent stage - Photosynthesis 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCellular processesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: AP34Created on: 10-10-13 16:55 One of the products from dependent stage used in Calvin cycle ATP 1 of 9 Second product from dependent stage used in Calvin cylce NADPH 2 of 9 Where light-independent stage occurs Stroma 3 of 9 Number of carbon molecules in RuBP five 4 of 9 First stage of Calvin cycle carbon fixation 5 of 9 Number of times Calvin cycle occurs to produce one glucose molecule six 6 of 9 Enzyme used on RuBP Rubisco 7 of 9 Product of Calvin cycle Glucose 8 of 9 NADPH is an... energy carrier 9 of 9
Essay 1: The transfer of substances containing carbon between organisms and between organisms and the environment 0.0 / 5
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