Lifelong Involvement

Four Social Influences
Access, Opportunity, Provision, Esteem.
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Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Overview
Was initialy an elitist talent development model - now an athlete retention model. Early (gymnastics, wimming) and Late (invasion games, athletics) specialisation models. Early had 4 stages (first 3 merge to form 1), Late has 6.
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Target Groups
Women, Ethnic Minorities, Very young, Elderly, Poor/Low Income/ Unemployed, Disabled.
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Define Target Group
It is a group of people in society, linked by specific characteristic, with low participation rates with regards to physical activity.
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The 6 Phases of the LTAD Programme
1. Fundamentals - Learn motor skills (5/6-11). 2. Learning to Train - Learn sport skills (11-15/16). 3. Training to Train - Build fitness and specific skills (15/16-16/17). 4. Training to compete - Refine skills for an event or position (16/17 +). 5.
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Reformative Policy for Women
Women only evenings/ targeted session in leisure centers.
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Reformative Policy for Ethnic Minorities
Targeted sessions i.e. Allow Asian women to perform.
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Reformative Policy for the Young
Specific advertising campaigns, PE programmes, role of education, taster sessions.
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Reformative Policy for the Old
Specific advertising campaigns, taster sessions, provision of lifetime sports, 50+.
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Reformative Policy for Low income/unemployed
Concessions, cheaper entrance fees, reduced admission rates, subsidised travel, transport programmes.
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Reformative Policy for Disabled
Increase provision for disadvantage groups, specialised equipment and coaches.
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Define Lifetime Sport
It is a sport that is self paced and can be played by all ages and abilities throughout their life as they are adaptable. Has a social aspect, less stress placed on the body. I.e. badmintom, bowls, golf.
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Aims of the LTAD Programme
Designed to introduce people to sport. Plan a route or progression from grass roots to elite. Keep people remained in sport, post physical maturation through coaching/officiating/ lifetime sport.
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Card 2


Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Overview


Was initialy an elitist talent development model - now an athlete retention model. Early (gymnastics, wimming) and Late (invasion games, athletics) specialisation models. Early had 4 stages (first 3 merge to form 1), Late has 6.

Card 3


Target Groups


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Card 4


Define Target Group


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Card 5


The 6 Phases of the LTAD Programme


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