resurrection of Jesus//immortality of the soul//Catechism teaches it//gives their lives purpose
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Non-religious arguments FOR life after death
near death experiences//evidence of a spirit world//evidence of reincarnation
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How beliefs in heaven affects their lives
they will be judged, don't want to go to hell//they want to please God so will follow the bible and attend mass//give to charity//gives your life purpose
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Why some people do not believe in life after death
Athiest//space exploration=no heavens//if it were true all religions would agree//soul cannot survive without
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Why abortion is controversial
many religions believe that life begins at the moment of conception//unborn childs rights are equal to mothers//woman should have the right to do what she wants//medical staff should not have to carry out abortions
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Catholic attitude to abortion
Only God has the right to end a pregnancy//decalogue teaches it's wrong to take a life//foetus has right to life//adoption is a better alternative
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Liberal Protestant attitude to abortion
Jesus taught "love thy neighbour" and abortion may be most loving thing to do//life does'nt begin at conception//sanctity of life can be broken in wars//rich can afford one in another country while poor must suffer
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Why euthenasia should remain ILLEGAL
doubt if it's what they want//a cure may be found for the disease//doctors should save lives not end them//may change their mind
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Why euthenasia should be made LEGAL
medicine means people are kept alive but should be dead//life support machines being switched off already is a form of euthenasia//doctors can stop treatment//basic human right to be able to end life
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The argument AGAINST the media being free to say what it wants
stirs up religious hatred//causes offence to alot of people//blasphemy//belief is based on what God says so humans cannot criticize God
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Argument FOR freedom of speech as a human right
religious leaders use media to criticise government so they must be prepared to be criticized//people want to know what is right and free media gives them chance to see all views and choose//progress is made by by subjecting all ideas
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HOW Cafod is trying to end world poverty
development programmes//disaster and emergency fund//raising awareness//speaking on behalf of poor communities to bring about justice
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WHY Cafod is trying to end world poverty
the golden rule//parable of the sheep and goats//sermon on the mount//new testament says riches should be used to help the poor
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Non-religious arguments FOR life after death
near death experiences//evidence of a spirit world//evidence of reincarnation
Card 3
How beliefs in heaven affects their lives
Card 4
Why some people do not believe in life after death
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