Life after death 2.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: GregCreated on: 14-03-13 23:33 to reborn reincarnation 1 of 16 Believe soul preexisted Plato 2 of 16 Rene Descartes relationship between body and soul dualism 3 of 16 Chistian belief bases belief in life after death on resurrection 4 of 16 Buddhist teaching on life after death rebirth 5 of 16 Hindu concept of the soul Atma 6 of 16 Buddhist belief on the soul annatta 7 of 16 Group that believed that all talk of life after death is meaningless logical positivists 8 of 16 Problem with belief in life after death is that it cannot be.... empiricallyverified 9 of 16 British empiricist that was at forefront of logical positivists in England AJAyer 10 of 16 cogito ergo sum ithinkthereforeiam 11 of 16 analytic statements use this form of reasoning deductive 12 of 16 synthetic statements use this form of reasoning inductive 13 of 16 Philosophers whose moral argument suggests life after death immanuelKant 14 of 16 Proposed the principle of credulity and testimony richardswinburne 15 of 16 John Hick proposed this theory to solve problem of life after death replica theory 16 of 16